Men are Wierd
I know, I know...the guys are soooooooooooo stunned now from my title...but hold on, give me a chance....
Yesterday I went 2 the co-op 2 buy the groceries, & I just woke up from my afternoon nap (so my face is puffed up a little, my lips get swollen red 4 a while, that always happen 2 me after a sleep...) anyways...the point is that (and this happens 2 alot of girls) when I'm out & not lookin fabulous, guys tend 2 flirt with me more...!!!! I mean, I was not dressed up (cuz I'm only going 2 the co-op & I hate girls who dress up 4 the co-op, except if u were out somewhere & on ur way u stop by the co-op, but there r girls who really dress up 4 the co-op) & I had only lip-gloss mixed with a little vaseline on (and don't tell me it's "the natrual look the guys go 4" crap) cuz I've had days with make-up on, & dress well & they do flirt, but I get more flirting when I look terrible...
So this guy yeseterday, notices me, & starts 2 follow me "secertly", & I have a serious problem, when I get nervous, I always giggle & laugh (this happens 2 me right b4 an exam, b4 a rollercoaster ride, b4 an interview, or talkin 2 an important person & once b4 a bungy jump...i laughed my way 2 tears & crying, but thats another show LOLOLOL), so when guys sit & stare or follow me, I get soooooooooooo nervous & choked up, so what happens is that I start 2 get giggley, & guys think that I'm giving them the green light 2 approach me....BUT I SWEAR WALLAH WALLAH WALLAH I DON'T MEAN TO!!!! I don't why this happens 2 it becuz I'm laughing at myself from my nervousness cuz I look like a fool..? Or is it that I look "amazing" (yeah right) & I'm laughing cuz the guy has gone insane 4 wanting me like this.? I think it's the 2 reasons. And I try 2 look away so he won't get the satisfaction, and also I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo shy, I could never do eye contact with a guy lookin at me, I get a headache from my nervousness & my body trembles...& eventually as always I get the giggley feeling....& that's why I look away, & also cuz I don't like knowing guys this way, & cuz I'm in my area's co-op, & somebody might see me, so alot of reasons.
So after following me, he comes & stands behind me & helps me with the grocery that is left under the 3arabanah (where I had put oranges & Ariel soap box) & I said:"Thank u, u shouldn't have" trying 2 be polite & he's like:
ليش امعصبة؟؟ مع ان ملامحج تبين أنج طيبة...انزين تعبت وأنا أسألج في مجال..انزين حفظي الرقم
For crying out loud!!!!! I even haven't plucked my eyebrows for 3 weeks cuz I'm on vacation & I don't care 2 pluck them...& I'm waiting till this weekend b4 I get back 2 work soon, cuz I'm not going 2 a fancy shmancy place, & I haven't been 2 a fancy shmancy place since 3 THE HEY??!!! What do u want from me..?? I look a mess....this always happen 2 me & lots of other girls....
Is it cuz a well dressed woman looks like someone important & dominant in society?? And most guys are afraid 2 approach them, only the really gutsy ones...?? Even when girls drive fancy cars, guys don't follow 'em around, but if she's driving a Galant...everybody goes after her...
You guys r weird...LOLOLOLOL
Anyways....I simply ignored him, & he followed me 2 my car, till I got in & drove away....& he just stood there....Maskeen...LOLOLOL But I do feel sympathy towards him that he got out of his way 2 waste his time 4 me....but, it's wrong, cuz at the end of the day, most guys don't take girls seriously by meeting them this why bother...? Why waste my time & emotions...? Most guys here in Q8 never take girls seriously, only if she's recommended by his mother....after telling her 2 find him one, after all his boyish adventures with girls....sheesh!
Take Care bloggers...
You know whats funny? The post's title is "Men are Wierd", yet you tell us about this habit fo yours that you giggle whenever you get nervous!!!
Now who's wierd ;-p
So, the weird thing about this guy is that he is one of the sensible ones who don't fall for faked beauty?
Bo ghazi: yeah, i know...I'm weird that way...LOLOLOL
But even when i dress up, i dont put tons of make-up, i dont even know how to, i just wear my make-up simply, but at least i look good...but not puffed up & in a bad mood...LOLOLOL actually, no man in his right mind would do that...some males are very, very weird. Two years ago, my friend and I craved that damn Cinnabun in Marina. Anyhow, so there we were at about 3:30 pm in our white shirts and navy pants. I was ordering mine when this little, short, puny thing comes stands next to me to give me his damn number. I was 18 and he looked 10 years old! Plus I was towering over him like a giraffe!
I've had kids running after me wanting 2 give me their numbers also...
Oh and I forgot to add this: He was standing so close to me (the top of his head reached my shoulders) that I just looked over, bewildered, and said "Wakher 3ani" because hell, that thing was simply standing to close and I was still paying! Let me be dammit! Afterwards, I told my older sister and she berated me because telling a guy to "Go away" actually means that you want his number. What's up with this reverse communication? I better carry a bat with me next time...
oh well u know i believe they think if a girl is looking a mess then she is trying to be americanised and openminded in way that u would talk to them i think and then about the car they dont go near her because they will say (la yuba hatha bent efloos khal enwakhir 3anha )LOL because you know what kind of guys follow girl all around...
another thing ...intay 3ala hal the7ik yabeelich lesson ma3ay ana akthar wa7da etkhare3 il shabab, a3el chabdhoum :D hehehe.
I know!!! Whats up with that "don't talk back 2 them" crap??? People tell me the same thing...but i still get mad & feel i wanna piss them off...BUT THEY DON'T GET IT THAT WE R REALLY MAD!!!
I think i'm gonna carry a bat with me too! LOLOLOLOLOL
Maybe they think that...
Yeah, some of them don't follow a girl 2 their cars cuz of this reason...
And i do need a lesson with ya, you tough cookie, you.....
lool oh yeah they even start to shout at me (intay ma etshofeen 3a6eeny wayh bs)
or (entay edmakha shoooooofay wela tamsheen em'3amtha)
although sometimes it feels as if i stepped on someone foot or something from the way they shout at me lol
interesting indeed :p
Honestly, I think men who are 'y'3azloon' are just too shallow. 'Zeein ennich ma 36eetena weih' .. I hope that tought him a listen so he wouldn't go and harrass his sisters like that again!
well i know guys would hump/follow/hit on anything that moves.....!!!
but here is the thing....
with out any invitation, no one would dare to come near the girl....!!!
the invitation could be what u wear, eye contact, body movement, or in ur case the giggling, which is an international sign of women approval and accepting the hit on cerimony.....
about the make, no girl thinks she's wearing enough make up, maybe thats why u think ur not putting 2 12 pack of lipstic....!!!
not that ur wearing it now but as a fig. of speach....!!!
that post was so funny I really did laugh out loud!
It's so true..everytime I look a mess..something like this happens but I always thought it was my own thoughts would be..."Please let me be unnoticed today...please don't let me bump into anyone today..I look too messy..everybody go away"..and somehow..the exact opposite thing happens..when we want to get noticed...we aren't..but when want to be left alone..we're not..I think it's called the irony of life...hehehe...:)..
; )
Thank u, but it'll take a while till they learn their lesson.
1st, i said in the post that i looked away so he wont see me giggle, thats why he said:'why r ya mad?" cuz he only saw me when i showed him my "pissed off face"
And as i said, its not about the makeup & guys lookin 4 natrual beauty, cuz i do get hit on when i also have makeup on...its just depends on a person if he wants 2 follow a girl, & we have those men alot in q8, and i do get mad, but most of them dont understand.
Glad u laughed, & welcome...
I've also read some of ur posts, great posts, ur one tough cookie!
Maybe i do look more approachable..
And i know what u mean, some guys just get attached like glue...
Well said..
I don't get it.. you really should know what weirdos are attracted to and avoid it if you really don't want them to stalk you, you may not mean it but that's not how he reads it, he probably thinks you're having as much fun as he is, seriously pathetic!
He didn't see me giggle...
Why does everybody is saying that im giving him wrong signals....?LOLOLOLOLOL
I said in my post that i looked away...he even told:"me why r u mad?"
I don't understand how guys can approach someone they don't know and start handing out their number right away.
I've been in so many situations where I'd talk to a strange girl to say something like, "excuse me, you forgot your pen" and they turn around with a "oh no! is he following me?! is he trying to talk to me?" scared look on their faces like I was attempting to make her mine or something. I hate that feeling. :/
Ur a very respectable man, & i feel sorry 4 u, cuz irrespectable men like those, give a bad name 2 everyone...
on ur last note, if im not in q8, i do exactly the same...but here, no no no....even if he's decent, i don't risk it...
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